
At Thurgoland our aim is for children to ‘gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world’. In learning about the past, children are able to understand and make sense of the world in which they live and foster a love of learning through our inquiry approach. Secondly, the methods employed in discovering and interpreting the past enable children to practise and develop resilience in using a wide variety of skills.

As a Church of England School every aspect of the school’s work is underpinned by Christian values. We endeavour to use the subject of history as a tool to respect and explore the impact of faith in our society in the past and how that may have resonance today.


At Thurgoland we intend to:

  • Build children’s knowledge of key historical times, people, events and societal change, encouraging children to respect the significance.
  • Developing their resilience and skills to further understand and explore the subject – becoming curious historians.
  • Develop children’s knowledge and understanding of various time periods and be able to compare and contrast different historical times.
  • Use the inquiry approach to foster chronological thinking, curiosity of evidence and informed conclusions.
  • Promote a love of learning by encouraging ALL learners to be inquisitive about events and significant individuals and understand their impact on society.
  • Ensure that ALL learners are able to develop a give it a go attitude in history by providing scaffolding and support, including vocabulary banks and adaptations to tasks and resources.
  • Develop children’s knowledge and understanding of historical concepts through the key strands of chronology, people, places, events, society and change, industry and transport, religion and invaders and settlers.


Historical implementation

  • Long term: Collaborative planning ensures that pupils cover all the objectives set within the National Curriculum / Development Matters and that skills progress from year group to year group
  • Medium term: Staff follow the medium term plans derived from the History skills progression document for their year group.
  • Short Term: We follow a historical inquiry led approach to each lessons, which cumulates in an overarching question to allow children demonstrate their knowledge and skills developed across the unit.
  • Activities are planned bearing in mind the range of ability within a class: less able children are supported with vocabulary banks, task and resource adaptations;
  • The carefully crafted questions in each lesson allow more able children to inquire more deeply.
  • Children are assessed at the end of each history unit through an end of unit exit piece designed to allow pupils to aim high and demonstrate their knowledge.
  • Where appropriate, staff plan for cross curricular opportunities.
  • Throughout school children revisit key themes of: local change, society: Change and legacy, significant individuals and invaders and settlers.
  • Suggested activities are put on dojo each half term to encourage children to aim high by questioning and researching their topics further.


  • Children at Thurgoland are knowledgeable about historical people, events and time periods that they have covered and can demonstrate a curiosity to the inquiry questions. They can articulate the significance of what they have learnt and how historical events or figures shape our lives today.
  • Children demonstrate a real love of learning in history with engagement of all learners in lessons.
  • Children use vocabulary with confidence and can articulate their learning journey across school. They can talk about people and events and how they fit into the time periods studied.
  • Children develop the resilience needed for skills to work like a historian, using them to question and interpret a range of evidence.
  • Children aim high through engagement with the topic homework. Children take pride in displaying their work on the history timeline.
  • Subjects at Thurgoland are monitored through the year as per the monitoring calendar but also through regular drop ins and sharing of outcomes.
  • Subject knowledge and skills are consolidated by the children completing an exit piece at the end of each topic. We will schedule in subject moderation to moderate a cross section of children’s work. From this we aim to build a bank of standardised exemplification materials with will aid teacher’s judgements in coming terms / years.
  • Teachers plan and assess from the knowledge progression document, which has specific knowledge threads that are built upon year by year from EYFS to Y6.

Useful Documents

Values that are at the heart of Thurgoland


Getting here

Thurgoland C of E Primary School
Halifax Road
S35 7AL

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