Physical Education

At Thurgoland our aim is for children to experience a broad and balanced curriculum enhanced through the use of Real PE and Real Gym to support the teaching of coordination, balance and agility and iMoves to provide an inclusive dance scheme for all pupils to access. Children will receive opportunities to develop physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively, through extending their imaginations and level of competence and applying to games including traditional sports. 

As a Church of England School every aspect of the school’s work is underpinned by Christian values. PE is seen as a key subject in providing opportunities for expressing feelings, values and teamwork, with a particular focus around co-operation, fairness and trust. Through this subject pupils can learn about service, dedication and resilience, and develop a ‘growth mind-set’.


At Thurgoland we intend to:

  • To develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities.
  • To ensure all children are physically active for sustained periods of time.
  • To engage in competitive sports and activities with a positive attitude and compete with a sense of fair play.
  • To develop skills, attitudes and understanding to enable all children to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.
  • To promote and develop safe practise in physical activities. 
  • To provide all children, regardless of race, gender, background or ability the equality of opportunity to succeed in all areas of P.E.
  • To provide opportunity, through exciting and stimulating challenges, developing continuity and progression, for all children to achieve their full potential.
  • To develop confidence, tolerance and the appreciation of their own and others’ strengths and weaknesses.


  • To encourage children to gain confidence in and enjoyment from dance.
  • To develop children’s use of vocabulary and correct terminology in dance.
  • To promote positive attitudes, physical activity and healthy lifestyles.
  • To develop personal and social skills through creating, performing and evaluating both as individuals and as members of a group.
  • To link with other curriculum areas as much as possible. (See topic webs for Dance) 
  • To promote cultural awareness through the experience of various existing dance traditions.
  • To address social and moral issues by communicating through movement.


Physical Education Implementation:

Long term 

  • Long term coverage ensures pupils receive and staff teach a broad and balanced Physical Education curriculum through practise and application of skills that progress from year group to year group. All children will experience traditional sports alongside the schemes of learning. 

Medium Term

  • Staff follow the schemes from Real PE/Gym and iMoves, for specific units which create cross curricular links between topics and children’s learning. 

Short Term 

  • Introductory warm up activities.  (These will, wherever possible, be based on the activity to follow, provide opportunities to review/reinforce skills previously learnt, and introduce the learning objectives for the lesson.)
  • Opportunities for children to review their current ability/skill prior to the lesson.
  • Activities that support the acquisition and development of skills and understanding.
  • Activities that allow the children to select and apply the skills, knowledge and understanding.
  • Opportunities for children to extend and challenge their ability and skills.
  • Concluding /cooling down activities.
  • During each lesson children will be provided with opportunities to self-assess/peer assess their skills and review targets. 
  • Teaching strategies will vary as is seen appropriate during any lesson between whole class, group and individual activities. Equipment and activities will be differentiated and/or adapted to extend, challenge and accommodate all levels of ability.  Feedback will be constructive and frequent.


Physical Education Impact 

  • PE will be monitored closely by learning walks, staff voice and pupil voice questionnaires during each term by PE coordinator. 
  • Children are given the chance to assess their own learning and feedback to other children about performance/improvements on skill being practised.
  • Teachers will collect evidence of dance/PE though videos, photographs. 
  • Teachers to assess their children and identify children working at Greater Depth, by using the assessment documents to track progress termly.
  • Instant feedback and assessment during all lessons to pupils/whole class. 

Useful Documents

Values that are at the heart of Thurgoland


Getting here

Thurgoland C of E Primary School
Halifax Road
S35 7AL

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