
As a school, we have a moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard all pupils in our care. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are valued and respected.

As a staff, we are alert to all signs of abuse and neglect in line with the latest Keeping Children Safe in Education guidelines.

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr Jordan is the designated Safeguarding Lead for our school. Mrs Mackie is our deputy designated Safeguarding Lead.

They attend training every two years to ensure the school adheres to all safeguarding procedures and policies.

Mr Jordan’s e-mail address is: [email protected]

For all policies re: Safeguarding children please follow this link to the Barnsley Safeguarding Website.

For Barnsley’s local SEN services please click here

Information – Allegations against staff

Barnsley Escalation Policy

Private Fostering Arrangements

Child Sexual Exploitation procedures


In our increasingly digital world, it is more important than ever that children understand how to be safe online. Whether on computers and laptops, tablets or mobile phones, even the television, children can connect to the internet and interact with the entire world.

At Thurgoland CE Primary School, we recognise that the online world brings enormous benefits to all our lives; research, communication, entertainment and information all at the touch of a button. However it is extremely important children recognise the dangers that can be found online and take steps to avoid, and report these.

Please see the parent tab for more information about keeping safe online, including some helpful parent guides.

Digital Worry Box

If you are concerned about something online you can complete the form below with help from an appropriate adult (parent or carer). A senior member of the Thurgoland team will see your message and will work to support you and your concerns. 


    I know that this is a difficult and potentially frightening situation for all of us. The NSPCC has asked us to share some links with you. The Childline link is for children and anyway you have of reminding children that ChildLine is there if they need someone to talk to would be fantastic.
    More children will be spending time online and will likely talk online to strangers more during this time and we want to keep them safe:

    This is support for parents who may be struggling with their own issues and are now having to provide constant care to their children: 

    Some children may begin to experience mental health issues do to the lockdown situation: 

    Parents may struggle to talk to their children about health, bereavement and family illness during this time, as well as other difficult topics: 

    For children to access if they need someone to talk to: 

    Values that are at the heart of Thurgoland


    Getting here

    Thurgoland C of E Primary School
    Halifax Road
    S35 7AL

    Thurgoland C of E Primary SchoolPrivacy Policy