Class 5 - The Terrific Tigers

The Class 5 Team is made up of Ms Lukacs (Teacher) and Mrs Crofts (Teaching Assistant).

In our class, we are not just learners….
We are amazing writers and fabulous readers.

Reading is at the heart of all we do as we enhance our curriculum with high- level texts from a wide range of authors. The children are immersed in stories from different backgrounds to gain a deep understanding of the characters and the themes. We travel to the Amazon in our book The Explorer and join our characters on a great adventure through the wild and unpredictable landscape of the South American jungle. The children become authors of descriptive writing as they use high level vocabulary and complex sentence structures to enhance their writing. They proudly show off their non-chronological reports about unique animals and ensure that detail is added through the extension of their sentences.  After reading Flotsam, they make in depth inferences from the picture book’s stunning illustrations and they debate against plastic pollution, sharing their views before writing detailed arguments to persuade others to make lasting changes to tackle climate change. Children in class 5 also travel back to Victorian times as they read Street Child creating detailed imagery and master their use of emotive language, they laugh-out-loud as they empathise with characters in our book There is a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom and finally meet a lonesome polar bear who needs April’s help in our book The Last Bear. 

We are explorers who travel back in time to discover the many incredible mysteries of the past.

Our children are curious and they radiate enthusiasm as they uncover the mysteries of the ancient civilisation of the Maya during their time in class 5. A fun-filled Mayan Day consolidates their learning at the end of autumn term where they recap key learning and add to their knowledge of gods and sacrifice from this period in time through drama. During our topic of the Tudors, the children uncover how the decisions made by Henry VII and Henry VIII kept the Tudors in power and in summer term, travel to Ancient China’s Shang Dynasty where they solve the mystery of who was Fu Hao. Throughout each topic, they ask questions to further their own learning, challenge themselves and each other and strive to build on their knowledge.

We are magnificent dancers of the Samba.

Children in class 5 learn to show a mature appreciation of a wide range of music and are able to recognise that music reflects different intentions and articulate reasons for their personal preferences. The majority of children are able to use appropriate musical vocabulary and have had experience in using and understanding some formal staff and other musical notations.


Year 5 children also sing in the Young Voices event alongside thousands of other primary school children from our region. It is an amazing, memorable experience! They work with professional musicians and see famous artist headline the event.

The children of our class are talented artists, using paint, clay and textiles to design and create stunning pieces of art.

Children grow in confidence and show incredible resilience as they produce beautiful, individual pieces of art throughout the year. From delicately carved Mayan murals from clay to eye catching still life compositions using oil pastels and charcoal, the children in class 5 radiate creativity. During the year, children are given opportunities to express their creative imagination, as well as practise and develop mastery in the key processes of art: drawing, painting, printing, textiles and sculpture. They study the works of artists who will then inspire their own creations.

But best of all, we are a team; a team, who works together, laughs together and supports one another in everything.

We are our best selves.

In Class 5 we believe that differences should be celebrated and we show respect to all. We develop our pupils to be respectful, tolerant, empathetic and understanding of others. We take great pride in being good listeners and confident learners who strive to be their best, never give up and aim for the stars!

We hope you follow our adventures on Twitter

Values that are at the heart of Thurgoland


Getting here

Thurgoland C of E Primary School
Halifax Road
S35 7AL

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