Equality Information


Our school aims to meet its obligations under the public sector equality duty by having due regard to the need to:

  • Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
  • Foster good relations across all characteristics – between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it

Our Curriculum, the Equality Act 2010 and SEND Regulations

In our approach to the design and delivery of our curriculum, we take our responsibilities to comply with the Equalities Act 2010 very seriously. In particular, to ensure our students are protected from discrimination, harassment, and victimisation on the grounds of specific characteristics (referred to as protected characteristics). 


For schools, this means that it is unlawful to discriminate against ‘protected characteristics’ identified as gender; race; age; disability; religion or belief; gender reassignment; sexual orientation; pregnancy or maternity.

Curriculum Equality

At Thurgoland CE Primary School we focus on the equality and diversity in our curriculum provision. Through our implementation we ensure our learning journey’s address discrimination, equality of opportunity, and foster good relations in a manner that values and respond to diversity.

Our inclusive curriculum ensures teaching methods and assessments do not place children at a disadvantage, communicating a transparent expectation of assessment, enabling all learners the opportunity to succeed. We ensure children are exposed to and are given the opportunity to expand their knowledge and understanding of many different cultures and identities in a manner appropriate to the subject being taught.

Our planning across the curriculum provides content that addresses different perspectives integrating themes of equality, diversity and cultural relativity. This is evident in both subject-based lessons and our PSHRE curriculum, where teacher planning gives the opportunity to reflect on their own identities, biases, and backgrounds. Planning also broadens children’s understanding in how these impact on their own and others learning and life experiences.

Teachers employ a range of adaptive delivery strategies to ensure the curriculum is inclusive for all. Through sequenced ‘student voice’, via the PSHRE curriculum, we identify and plan to overcome barriers that prevent students from all backgrounds reaching their potential. The robust ‘student voice’ process enables curriculum leaders to redesign and shape their curriculums to address the prevalent issues impacting on the lives of our children. This responsive, adaptive approach ensures Thurgoland CE Primary is a safe, welcoming and tolerant learning environment where students feel comfortable to be their best self.


Useful Documents

Values that are at the heart of Thurgoland


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Thurgoland C of E Primary School
Halifax Road
S35 7AL

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