Class 4 - The Brave Black Rhinos

The Class 4 Team is made up of Mr Ranton (Teacher) and Mrs Spence and Mrs Hulbert (Teaching Assistants). The classroom is located at opposite the library. 

In Class 4 we enjoy learning together and support each other to achieve success. We are always aiming high and enjoy opportunities to be creative and imaginative with our learning.

In Class 4, we love to engage, learn and collaborate. Our teachers provide lots of opportunities for us to immerse ourselves in our learning and make exciting links across the curriculum. We thrive from the high expectations set for us in our learning and social interactions, giving us a greater opportunity to always be our best selves. We enjoy various trips and visitors throughout the year, which help to make our learning memorable and give us opportunities to extend and develop our understanding!

Throughout the year, we explore lots of exciting topics; starting with the Romans and finishing with the Ancient Greeks. Along the way we investigate the source of Earthquakes, explore the size of mega cities and discover why the Anglo Saxons decided to invade Great Britain! During lessons, we are given the chance to develop our skills as Historians and Geographers: completing field work tasks, developing our chronological understanding of the past and discovering what makes a source reliable and how can we use these sources to discover even more. Our learning starts with a key question but it doesn’t stop in the classroom, we are given extended opportunities to discover more and deepen our knowledge through creative and investigative homework activities.

Reading is at the heart of our curriculum. Reading fluency and comprehension are skills which feed into every other subject. As readers, we are engrossed in many excellent, high quality texts, such as ‘The Ice Palace’ and ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’, that develop our vocabulary, challenge our thinking and help us to refine our comprehension skills. We use these wonderful texts to help us to ‘aim high’ and write for a range of audiences and purposes. You will read newspapers written by us as we share the devastating news of what happened in Pompeii, you will be amazed by our persuasive writing as we write letters to protect endangered species and you will be thoroughly entertained by our poems and narratives full of description and unexpected twists and turns!

In Class 4 we love to read lots of different high-level texts as a class to widen our vocabulary

As Scientists, the pupils in Class 4 are challenged to develop their own scientific enquiries and carry out experiments to answer key questions. Science is an extremely practical, investigative subject that develops pupils’ knowledge about key concepts such as electricity, sound, and states of matter whilst also providing them with the skills to make their own predictions, develop fair testing skills and reach accurate conclusions in an engaging and creative way.

As creators and inventors, we produce artwork and design high quality products using a range of materials through our study of Art and Design and technology. We love creating our own prints inspired by Indian and Italian architecture and capturing movement in portraits. We create books with moving parts, study sculptures by Barbra Hepworth and even give sculpture making a go ourselves! Computing allows us to plan, program and debug games, as well as edit photographs and develop a podcast.

We believe in being a team and each day we work alongside each other and encourage our peers in everything we do! We celebrate resilience and know that we can give anything a go with the support of those around us. We enjoy the opportunity to be competitive by attending various sporting competitions throughout the year and also by competing with ourselves to reach new heights in our learning.

Values that are at the heart of Thurgoland


Getting here

Thurgoland C of E Primary School
Halifax Road
S35 7AL

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