Our Curriculum

At Thurgoland CE Primary School we are committed to providing a vibrant, stimulating curriculum which nurtures a passion and joy for learning and sets high expectations for all. The curriculum builds on prior learning, develops resilience, encourages creativity and thinking skills, and provides first- hand, relevant experiences with strong cross- curricular links.

Every child is recognised and valued as an individual. Teachers plan carefully to ensure all pupils are challenged and make progress and this includes the most able, disadvantaged and pupils with special needs and disabilities. Lessons build on prior learning and enable the acquisition of key skills, knowledge and understanding; these transferable skills support learning across the curriculum. Reading is key to learning at Thurgoland, and the provision of high quality texts support pupils’ understanding of place, time, and important themes and concepts; teachers also place emphasis on all pupils acquiring the appropriate subject-related vocabulary.

Opportunities are given for pupils to apply their knowledge and understanding in a range of contexts. Assessment throughout the curriculum supports pupils in enabling them to make progress; it is manageable, purposeful and informs future learning.


Curriculum Equality

At Thurgoland CE Primary School we focus on the equality and diversity in our curriculum provision. Through our implementation we ensure our learning journey’s address discrimination, equality of opportunity, and foster good relations in a manner that values and responds to diversity.

Our inclusive curriculum ensures teaching methods and assessments do not place children at a disadvantage, communicating a transparent expectation of assessment, enabling all learners the opportunity to succeed. We ensure children are exposed to and are given the opportunity to expand their knowledge and understanding of many different cultures and identities in a manner appropriate to the subject being taught.

Our planning across the curriculum provides content that addresses different perspectives integrating themes of equality, diversity and cultural relativity. This is evident in both subject-based lessons and our PSHRE curriculum, where teacher planning gives the opportunity to reflect on their own identities, biases, and backgrounds. Planning also broadens children’s understanding in how these impact on their own and others learning and life experiences.


Teachers employ a range of adaptive delivery strategies to ensure the curriculum is inclusive for all. Through sequenced ‘student voice’, via the PSHRE curriculum, we identify and plan to overcome barriers that prevent students from all backgrounds reaching their potential. The robust ‘student voice’ process enables curriculum leaders to redesign and shape their curriculums to address the prevalent issues impacting on the lives of our children. This responsive, adaptive approach ensures Thurgoland CE Primary is a safe, welcoming and tolerant learning environment where students feel comfortable to be their best self.





Design Technology

Religious Education

Physical Education

Curriculum content has been designed to be underpinned by Christian and British Values. As pupils find out about their own locality and the world beyond, they also learn that they can have a positive impact both here and beyond. Significant figures and societies from the past and how they have influenced life today are studied. Pupils also learn about ethnic, cultural and religious diversity and are given opportunities to consider themes such as environmental issues and inequality.

There is an emphasis on high quality teaching of the visual arts, drama and music, as they encourage imagination and creativity as well as developing children’s understanding in subjects across the curriculum. A range of cultural experiences such as visits to galleries, museums and the theatre contribute to this deeper understanding. The arts are valued by all stakeholders as they provide opportunities for our children to express themselves and enjoy learning.

At the heart of learning at Thurgoland is the development of pupils as effective and enthusiastic learners, as the curriculum encourages them to become independent, resilient and to have self-belief. Pupils are encouraged to question, investigate and problem-solve, applying their knowledge and understanding and thinking critically and analytically in a range of contexts. Throughout the curriculum pupils are encouraged to understand that making mistakes is an important part of the learning process. This approach ensures that pupils are prepared well for the future and carry with them a lifelong love of learning.

Click here to find out what is taught in each year group.

For further information about our curriculum, please contact the head teacher.

Click here to view the National Curriculum programmes of study.

Values that are at the heart of Thurgoland


Getting here

Thurgoland C of E Primary School
Halifax Road
S35 7AL

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