

At Thurgoland C of E Primary we love to learn and value music because it is a most powerful and unique form of communication that can change and impact the way children, think, feel and act. We believe that teaching music helps the body and mind work together in harmony and can enhance their well – being. Music allows them to practice self-expression and can also build personal resilience to help them be their best self. Exposing children to music during early development helps them to develop their aural perception and internalisation, which aids the learning of sounds. The music curriculum has been developed to encourage our pupils to aim high and recognise that music can enhance learning and life by having a positive effect on their emotions. They are encouraged to explore and express their thoughts and feelings about music and appreciate the range of forms and genres from across the world and across different eras. Provision allows pupils to understand different cultures by studying a range of musicians and musical styles from different eras and countries, within Europe and beyond. Children broaden their awareness and understanding of how music has shaped history and culture across the ages. They listen carefully and are exposed to a wide range of music and appreciate how it has the capacity to enrich their lives through active participation and sheer joy. All pupils, including SEND and disadvantaged groups, develop knowledge, skills and subject specific vocabulary and the curriculum allows for the progression of these skills. Pupils have opportunities to play both tuned and untuned instruments individually, in pairs and small groups to develop their skills and knowledge. They become confident to use these to explore and express their thoughts and feelings through music in all its forms. Pupils show respect to others when performing, and demonstrate patience, perseverance and resilience when creating their own musical compositions. During the repetitive nature of practice, they give things a go, learn from their mistakes, give things a go and refine their performance. Music has a high profile within the school and is celebrated through many opportunities to perform both in school and in the wider community. The aims of our Music curriculum are to develop pupils who:

• Can sing and use their voices well

• Create and compose music practically on their own and with others.

• Progress to the next level of musical excellence.

• Have opportunities to learn a musical instrument.

• Understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated.

• Have knowledge of and experience the work of great composers and influential musicians in music history.

• Enjoy and have an appreciation for music.

• Use musical language and vocabulary.

• Make judgements about the quality of music.

• Have opportunities to play a variety of instruments.

• Take part in performances.

• Perform and share a range of musical styles.

• Listen, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions and by other performers.

• Have opportunities to study a range of musical styles and genres, e.g. Jazz, Samba, Pop, Rock and Roll, Folk etc.


Long term planning ensures that children’s previous learning is built upon and there is a clear progression of vocabulary, skills and knowledge from EYFS to upper key stage 2. Pupils are given the opportunity to analyse and appreciate a range of musical genres and are taught and encouraged to use appropriate terminology when discussing music. In each unit pupils learn specific skills and have the opportunity sing well-known songs, to play tuned and untuned instruments and to create their own compositions. They are given opportunities to evaluate the quality of the music they create and make adjustments. Each class has access to musical instruments for example percussion including untuned and tuned percussion (glockenspiels) and ukuleles. Whole class instrumental teaching occurs in KS2 and pupils are introduced to reading musical notation from year 3. Performing is an important part of the provision of music at Thurgoland. Pupils are encouraged to perform for their peers and to evaluate their performances. They also play to the wider school community termly. An annual music evening allows our pupils to perform to the wider community and although this is voluntary we have a large number of pupils who are enthusiastic to do this. The teaching of music is inclusive and learning is adjusted to enable all pupils to access the lessons and make progress. Pupils receive support from the teaching assistant during music lessons where appropriate. Teachers have high expectations and ensure that more able pupils are challenged during lessons. Pupils from year 2 upwards have access to small group teaching delivered by peripatetic teachers from the Barnsley Music Hub ; this includes guitar, woodwind, keyboard, brass and violin. Our music coordinator also teaches ukulele lessons.


Our music curriculum is high quality, well thought out, practical in nature and is planned to demonstrate progression and build on and embed current skills. We focus on progression of knowledge and skills in the different musical components and like other subjects, have discreet vocabulary progression which also forms part of the units of work. If children are keeping up with the curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress which is tracked termly through termly recording of music assessment data as part of the wider curriculum. We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

• Pupil discussions

• Governor monitoring with our subject music leader

• Moderation and CPD opportunities supported by the Barnsley Music Hub, CPD opportunities in relation to Music Projects and opportunities for a professional dialogue between staff.

• Annual reporting and tracking of standards across the curriculum through data collection.

• Photo or video evidence and images of the pupil’s practical learning where captured.

• Video/DVD recordings of performances, productions and concerts.

• Use of journals.

• A reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes.

• Dedicated music leader time when possible The impact of our music curriculum is also measured in the uptake of our music after school clubs such as choir and the uptake of additional music 1:1 teaching in certain instruments. In addition to this, we also intend to measure the impact by introducing a focus on composers by providing music to listen to in collective worship and singing assemblies. We also identify cross-curricular links to music and musicians through literacy/history during black history week and ask children about the composer/style of music they are learning about at different times throughout the year.

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Values that are at the heart of Thurgoland


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Thurgoland C of E Primary School
Halifax Road
S35 7AL

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