Class 6 - The Self Reliant Snow Leopards

The Class 6 Team is made up of Miss Banford and Mrs Davies (Teachers) and Mrs Chapman and Mrs Morgan (Teaching Assistants). The classroom is located opposite the hall.

Welcome to Year 6, the top of the school!

Welcome to Year 6, the top of the school! We value our roles and responsibilities in school, being role models for the younger years. The final year of primary school is a period of great opportunity for us to lead on initiatives and whole school enrichments including celebrations, like Black History month and charity events such as Children in Need. Playground Buddies, developing an enterprise project and Sports Leaders are just a few examples of other projects we take part in. We love to learn in Class 6 and aiming high is so important to us especially as we bring all our learning together at the end of our primary school journey. Although learning sometimes can get tricky, we always give it a go and push through challenges to achieve our potential. We grow in independence, showing respect and maturity as we prepare for transition to secondary school both in our learning and when participating in exciting events such as the Year 6 Kingswood residential and the Leavers’ Show. The range of activities allows us the chance to excel, aim high encourage and challenge us to be resilient, focussing on our own progress rather than to compare ourselves to others. Our curriculum has a strong focus on the core areas of maths, reading and writing, to ensure we are suitably prepared for SATS, which take place in May, and secondary school. As we know reading is the key to all learning, we value this skill so much is an essential part of our everyday routine. Therefore we have reading time everyday including reading a class text which we can engross ourselves in as well as reading independently and one to one with an adult. We have a recommended reading list of 100 books per year group that include high level texts that are age appropriate. It’s our aim to read them all by the end of the year. We also enjoy studying science, art, DT, RE, PSHE, history and geography. Topics studied in Year 6 include World War Two, which involves children designing, creating and evaluating their own tanks and gives the children the opportunity to experience what life was like as an evacuee. Another favourite topic is ‘Anglo-Saxons and Vikings’.

Reading is the key to all learning, we value this skill so much, hence it being an essential part of our every day routine

Our RE curriculum follows the Discovery RE and Understanding Christianity scheme and is taught through discovery of key questions. In Year 6, we answers questions including: Creation and science: conflict or complementary? Was Jesus the Messiah? What is the best way for Muslims to show their commitment to God? We are encouraged to appreciate and respect the world around them, understand the needs and beliefs of others and develop an awareness of and concern for others, through visits to places of worship (Sheffield Cathedral and Mosque), stories and discussion. A programme of trips and regular visitors helps provide an education that is both balanced and enjoyable. One of the enrichment opportunities for us is the visit to Crucial Crew – we believe that this visit will, delivered as part of a wider PSHE curriculum, equip us with the right attitudes and attributes to not only become lifelong learners but also responsible citizens within the local and wider community. Sport is extremely important to us somehow we manage to fit in lots of PE with our sports enthusiasts, enjoying hockey, tag athletics, tennis and dodge ball. We also make use of the wonderful outdoor spaces around school whenever we can. An important part of our school year is the residential trip to Kingswood in the Summer Term, we children experience exciting and challenging physical activities such as Jacobs’s ladder, canoeing and archery. It provides an opportunity for the students to get to know their teaching team in an informal environment whilst developing greater independence. For many of us – and teachers – it is the highlight of the year! The summer term is dominated by preparations for the Leavers’ Show: making props, painting scenery, raising funds and designing costumes, selling tickets, and learning lines. Past productions have included shows based on n ‘Aladdin’, ‘Peter Pan’ and ‘Alice in Wonderland’. As for this year’s show…… we’re not going to tell you yet!

Values that are at the heart of Thurgoland


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Thurgoland C of E Primary School
Halifax Road
S35 7AL

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