

We designed our mathematics curriculum, in line with our school values, to aspire all pupils to aim high and achieve mastery in mathematics. We aim for all pupils at Thurgoland Primary to developing a love of the subject and an ability to connect areas of learning whilst developing their resilience through problem solving. Through ‘Being Their Best Self’, all children know that they can achieve a deeper understanding of mathematics at Thurgoland Primary, that applies to their further education and chosen career.


At Thurgoland we intend to:

  • Encourage ALL children to believe that they can achieve and aim high in mathematics!
  • Show children that mathematics is a tool for everyday life.
  • Ensure children are confident mathematicians who are not afraid to take risks.
  • Fully develop independent learners with inquisitive minds who have secure mathematical foundations and an interest in self-improvement.
  • Provide our children with a variety of mathematical opportunities, which will enable them to demonstrate a deep, conceptual understanding of the topic and be able to build on this over time.

Mathematical implementation

  • Long term: National Curriculum, EYFS Framework and Development Matters.
  • Medium term: WR Yearly overview and small steps, up-dated annually in response to misconceptions, data and in house monitoring of teaching & learning.

WISK (What I should know) – At the start and end of units, all children will complete a WISK. At the start of the unit the WISK will test pupils’ prior knowledge in the unit and end of unit will consolidate their learning from the current year groups objectives. The purpose of these is to highlight any misconceptions the pupils have in their learning.

  • Short Term: Short term planning is supported by a range of Mastery Maths materials, selected appropriately in response to the classes’ needs WISK and learning behaviours.
  • A typical Maths lesson will provide the opportunity for all children, regardless of their ability, to:
  1. Activate/revisit prior knowledge during the Mastering Number (KS1)/Fluent in 5(KS2)/Fact Friday
  2. Teachers modelling a concept through guided practice with pupils participating
  3. Pupils to complete independent practice through a range of varied fluency questions
  4. Teacher led modelling of problem solving and reasoning through Guided problem solving
  5. Pupils to extend their learning through independent Reasoning and Problem-Solving activities daily
  6. Whole class to complete Let’s Reason activity to consolidate learning.
  7. Reflect on their learning and progress made during the lesson against the objective
  8. Arithmetic Friday – Friday’s Maths lessons consist of arithmetic practise in every year group. Fortnightly, the children are given an arithmetic check to identify misconceptions/gaps in knowledge to be addressed in arithmetic lessons/fluent in 5.
  • There are multiple representations for all – using a CPA approach (Concrete, pictorial, abstract). Children who struggle to grasp concepts will continue make use of manipulatives to support their learning before transferring their learning to more abstract understanding.
  • Objects, pictures, words, numbers and symbols are everywhere.
  • Objects and pictures are used to demonstrate and visualise abstract ideas, alongside numbers and symbols.
  • Work is marked during the lesson (live marking).
  • Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly are challenged by deepening their conceptual understanding.
  • Those pupils who are not sufficiently fluent with earlier material are provided with opportunities to consolidate their understanding, including through pre-teach sessions and Same Day Interventions.
  • For children who are significantly below ARE, the use of several interventions this year include: NumBots, arithmetic, teacher led interventions, Y6 boosting (AM and PM), re-delivery of mastering number (KS1)
  • Times Tables Rockstars is used by all children (Y1-Y6) to ensure rapid recall of all multiplication facts and corresponding division facts.


Discrete Knowledge Downloads Per Year Group


  • During lesson planning and book monitoring, cohesion can be seen across and within units due to use of WR small steps and lesson sequence.
  • 82% of Y6 children leave the school at ARE and 29% at GD, therefore they are well prepared for the transition to secondary school.
  • Pupils have a real love for mathematics, which can be seen daily in lessons, during enrichment opportunities i.e. enterprise project, money week and pupil voice activities
  • Key facts are used daily though problem solving where children apply their mathematical discrete knowledge, revised during fluent in five and Friday facts to secure chn’s subject knowledge.
  • There is a consistent approach of the structure of maths lessons throughout the school, children understand the sequence of a lesson and all experience fluency, problem solving and reasoning during every lesson making children prepared for the expectations in Maths.
  • Planning is adapted from small steps to reflect the needs of the class/specific children, evidence through questioning, marking, teacher judgement from lessons.
  • Girls and groups identified as not making expected progress from previous key stage show confidence in and enjoyment of the subject
  • Targets set for girls are in line with those set for boys
  • Targets set for PP and SEND pupils are aspirational
  • Additional adults are used to support pupils from the beginning of the lesson
  • Girls and pupils identified as not making sufficient progress within the lesson are targeted quickly within the lesson
  • Work scrutiny shows that all groups make progress within lessons including girls, less able and pupil premium pupils
  • All pupils are given access to challenging work – including girls, less able and pupil premium

Useful Documents

Values that are at the heart of Thurgoland


Getting here

Thurgoland C of E Primary School
Halifax Road
S35 7AL

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